President & Vice President visit MCHW

President & Vice President visit MCHW

It is thing of long tradition that the President and Vice-President visit Methodist Central Hall Westminster on the evening of the first Sunday in a new Connexional year.

The visit started with the President and Vice-President informally meeting the Church Leadership Team, who heard and responded warmly to the ‘Day by Day rhythm of mission and discipleship’ theme of the Presidency, that we seek to give thanks, keep silence, pray, read & reflect and act each day as a natural consequence of our discipleship of Christ.

This year the evening worship, which included healing prayer and holy communion, was enriched by their input and presence. Jill Baker, the Vice-President creatively and inspirationally applied a passage from 2 Kings, reminding us of the messiness of our world and our lives, and the ability of God to use the unexpected for blessing. “This is a day for Good News” she said, quoting from the passage, “the light shines through and creates beauty, not despite the brokenness, but because of it.” The President, Revd. Loraine Mellor was interviewed by Revd. Tony Miles, Deputy Superintendent, and used that time to reiterate the need for apt evangelism and express hope that the deeply challenging decline in formal membership could be engaged and turned around.”

The President then sensitively led us to receive bread and wine after which both Loraine and Jill joined the healing prayer team in ministry and sharing.

“It was an anointed time and a wonderful service” said Superintendent minister Revd. Dr. Martyn Atkins. “Loraine and Jill, in complementary but quite different ways, taught and shared with us humbly and effectively, and many have said how they received encouragement and assurance because of their ministry among us.”



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