A Third Referendum Option

A Third Referendum Option

Last Thursday the UK went to the polls and voted by a small margin to leave the European Union.

As the Polling Station for Westminster, Methodist Central Hall, Westminster was very much in the news headlines as Prime Minister David Cameron, and his wife Samantha came to vote in our Broadbent Room.

In the weeks running up to the referendum we felt as a staff team that we should make it clear to people that our Chapel would be open for those seeking to reflect and pray about their decision.  I designed a simple poster with three options, ‘Remain’, ‘Leave’ and ‘Pray’, (with pray having the vote.)  We did keep our Chapel open for prayer on the day itself, althoug
we don’t think Mr or Mrs Cameron made use of the offer!

A number of photographers picked up of the pictures and given the attention I knew our building would attract that morning, I was keeping a close watch on our Social Media channels.   The Posters attracted an enormous amount of attention with the Times, Reuters, Russia Today, The Guardian and even the New York Times using pictures of our posters in articles about the EU Referendum!  This worked in tandem with ordinary members of the public who had seen the posters and tweeted about them, (including pictures) over the past ten days.

Now the dust has settled after the referendum we should all continue to pray for our leaders, our  country and the wider world.

Ref Prayer

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